The Lands of Man have finally been reunited after centuries of division under Rufus Viator's coalition. However, this unity is fragile as the Dragon King returns from the north and the Jackals continue to ravage the south. The fate of everyone in Erosil depends on the gods, as each of them selects their champions.
The Glen is in shock following the Dragon King's invasion, and memories of the Great War resurface as the Mirigad crumbles around the elves. The Lord of Olianon must forge new alliances with old enemies, while the child queen Elasha must embrace her destiny, which her mother had rejected.
The King of Orgrar is gravely ill, and his brother, Chief Barlov, announces a truce, yet rumours persist that he plans to seize the throne. The Orcs' hope rests on their nephew and his capable wife, Vynas Krath, who must choose between the affairs of Man's Lands and his homeland, Orgrar.
Dreyma Fireblood is determined to fight for the freedom of the slaves of Velakros, which puts her on a collision course with the Mistwalkers once more. Her battle for survival begins as Aeson returns to reclaim his ancient empire.
Amidst all this chaos, friends must remain vigilant of shadows, as some friends may be plotting and scheming against them.
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